The Translation

We were blessed to work with Archimandrite +Ephrem (Lash) of blessed memory on the translation for The Psalm 103 Project. We say “work with” very sincerely; we initially turned to the draft translation on his website, but some of our composers asked if it would be possible to speak with Fr. Ephrem about revisions. Fr. Ephrem was more than receptive to that conversation, and delivered a revised version that everybody was pleased with. A conference call between him and all six composers allowed another opportunity to discuss specific details and make suggestions, and the final version that Fr. Ephrem delivered to us made everybody happy. All in all, it contributed a great deal to the project to have the opportunity to work with a living translator, and one who could respond to musical needs as well as he did. We owe Fr. Ephrem a great deal; may his memory be eternal!

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